
This category includes all my works for theater, that is, incidental music: background music that is performed during the staging of a play and that is not intended to be performed separately in a concert.

Tango Solo (2010)

7-movement piece for synthesizers and electronic media

In 2010, my dear friend Franklin Dávalos, a super talented actor and dancer from Ecuador, asked me to create incidental music for a play written by Maritza Núñez, a Peruvian playwright. The play is a monologue from a woman who lives in Buenos Aires, and Franklin was in charge of the production. Since there was no budget, I created the music on my computer and used electronic sounds and recordings of various types. I also needed a tango, so I wrote one, although it was never presented in its entirety in the work, but only portions, mostly distorted by electronic means. You can hear it on the final track of the audio collection.

Duration: c.a. 13' 22''

Letters From Canada (2006)

Twenty-six-movement work for violin, guitar, piano and electronic keyboard

Letters from Canada is a collection of pieces I composed in 2006 for a setting of the play "Los árboles mueren de pie" (Trees die standing tall) by Spanish playwright Alejandro Casona. Comedy, drama, suspense and romance are all mixed up in a heartbreaking story about love and the courage to face life's hardest blows. The production was in charge of ex-members of the “Appendix” theater group under the direction of Manuel Lassus.

Duration: c.a. 32''

The Worship of the Senses (2002)

Eleven-movement work for soprano and ensemble

In 2002, the Peruvian amateur theater company "Apéndice" asked me to write the music for an adaptation of Wilde's work, "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Since its online release in 2007 as "The Picture of Dorian Gray," the recording of this music has garnered over 80,000 listens and 3,000 downloads. Fragments of it have also been featured in film projects like "The Headache House" by Marc Boehlhoff. These achievements reflect the music's ability to captivate audiences and evoke powerful emotions.

Duration: c.a. 60' 6''

Bloodline (2001)

20-movement work for chamber orchestra

In 2001, the same acting company that commissioned me to write the music for The Crucible, asked me to write the music for an adaptation of Robert Grave's "I, Claudius." It wasn't a high-budget production and no one made a dime (not even me), but it involved a huge cast, mostly amateurs, and was performed in one of the largest theaters in Lima. I was very pleased with the result at the time, but have since become very critical of the music. However, what's done is done, and I have to include this piece in my catalog, if only for the fact that I was able to write almost 50 minutes of music, a great feat for an amateur composer, in my humble opinion.

Duration: c.a. 50'

Thou Shalt Not Dance (1999)

Eleven-movement piece for flute, clarinet (B flat and A), violin, cello and piano

At the early stages of my career, I was invited to create music for a presentation of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible." The result was a collection of pieces crafted in a neo-romantic style, the only style accessible to me at the time. This is a re-adaptation for Pierrot quintet. While it may not reflect my current artistic state, I believe it's a well-crafted piece. It complements the play, particularly in the context of a high school drama class.

Duration: c.a. 37''